I am Dr. Peluolami Adebisi Olowofoyeku, I joined the service of Lagos State College of Education, Oto/Ijanikin which later became Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education and now Lagos State University of Education Oto/Ijanikin on June 9th, 1993 as a Lecturer 11 officer. The following is my professional History;

i Senior Lecturer (University) 

ii. Chief Lecturer (Legacy Institution) 

iii. Principal Lecturer (Legacy Institution) 

iv. Senior Lecturer (Legacy Institution) 

v. Lecturer I (University/ legacy Institution)

vi. Lecturer II (University/ legacy Institution)

Dr Olowofoyeku specializes in Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Phonetics and Phonology. She takes delight in Contrastive and Comparative Phonology of  Nigerian Languages/Dialects and also in English and Nigerian Languages/ Dialects.

  1. Olowofoyeku, Peluolami Adebisi and Williams Vinuyon Anthony: The Impact of Satellite Television on The Acquisition and learning of English as a Second Language in Nigeria. Babcock University Journal of Education, Vol. 9 ISSUE 3

    Olubunmi Idowu and Olowofoyeku, Peluolami Adebisi: A Contrastive Study of English and Arigidi Morphological Systems. International Journal of Language Education(IJLE) Vol.1 NOS. 1&2 June 2023

    Olowofoyeku, Pelulami Adebisi and Olubunmi Idowu :A Contrastive Analysis of English and Arigidi Consonantal Systems. Kogi Journal of Language and Literature, Vol 2

    Bilingual Proficiency and L2 speakers of English: A study of selected Babcock undergraduate students, Journal of school of languages in Honour of Somoye,  B.I (Mrs.) AOCOED

    Oluwofoyeku, Pelumi (2016) “Word-Game and puzzle Strategies in Developing learners’ Vocabulary in Nigeria” in Journal of Directorate Program, AOCOED, Lagos Oto/Ijanikin. Vol. (4), 187-189.

    Olowofoyeku, Pelumi. “Assessing Linguistics and communicative Competence: A Pratical Perspective”. Journal of School of languages, AOCOED, Oto/Ijanikin, 2 (3), 147-162

    Olowofoyeku, Pelumi. “The Interference of Yoruba and Egun Languages in English Language Pronunciation: Implications and way Forward”. Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education, (CIJSSE), Vol. 4, 317-332.

    Olowofoyeku, Pelumi. “Enhancing English Learning in the 21st Century: Role of the Teacher” in Nigerian Education Review. Journal of School of Education, AOCOED, Otto/Ijanikin, 10 (1), 124-129

    Olowofoyeku, Pelumi. “Students’ Perception of the English Language of GSE: A Case Study of Students of Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, AOCOED”. Journal of Multidisciplinary studies, 1 (3), 18-28

    Olowofoyeku, Pelumi. “Linguistics and the second Language Teacher” Journal of Academic Excellence, NAPFED, 2 (1), 72-75

    Olowofoyeku, Pelumi. “Linguistics and the second Language Teacher”: Implications in the Implementation of Universal Basic Education”. Journal of Educational Research and Development (JERD), 4 (1), 320-326

    Olowofoyeku, Pelumi. “Interference: The Bane of learning of Language in Nigeria”. Journal of English Language and literary Studies (JOELS) 1 (1) 39-52

    Adeleye, Pelumi. “The Need to Enhance English language in Teacher’s Preparation”. Towards the Enhancement of Teachers Education in Nigeria, 245-250