Dean’s Welcome Address
It is my honour to welcome all students in the College of Management and Social Sciences Education (COMSSED) to their respective departments, the College and this unique University. The College focuses on engaging students in a variety of learning methods, techniques and strategies towards producing self-reliant individuals who can contribute to the development of their immediate environment and the society at large. Through a robust curriculum content and pedagogical methods, extra-curricular activities, strong self-discipline orientation, and vital social activities including sports, the College exposes students to the knowledge, skills, attitude and character essential to moulding them into better citizens that can actualize their potentials and drive national/global development.
The College has the following Academic Departments:
- Department of Economics Education,
- Department of Educational Management
- Department of Political Science Education
- Department of Geographical and Environmental Education
- Department of Sociological Studies Education
Each of these Departments runs various single (B.Sc.) and double (B.Sc.Ed.) honours programmes. For example, the Department of Geographical and Environmental Education not only has the B.Sc. and B.Sc.Ed. in Geography but also the B.Sc.Ed. in Transport Management.
The staff of the College are open and ready to assist students, especially the new students, many of whom are leaving their homes for the first time. In this regard, we have put in place a dynamic student advisory/counseling mechanism towards ensuring that students are rightly guided with regard to their academics and personal lives. Therefore, I enjoin you to freely seek assistance or clarification on all issues, both academics and personal.
On behalf of the entire Academic and Non-Teaching staff members of the College, I once again welcome you to COMSSED and wish you successful learning activities in the College.
Welcome and Thank you.
ADEBAYO, Adekunle Ademayowa (Ph.D.)
Associate Professor/Ag. Dean
Programmes in College of Management & Social Sciences Education (COMSSED)
B.Sc. Ed. Economics
B.Sc. Economics
B.Sc. Ed. Educational Management
B.Sc. Ed. Political Science
B.Sc. Political Science
B.Sc. Ed. Geography Education
B.Sc. Geography
B.Sc. Transport Management
B.Sc. Ed. Social Studies Education
B.Sc. Ed. Civic & Citizenship Education