The ICT infrastructure is seen as one of the greatest enablers in modern society and has impacted and changed the world positively. The way teaching, administration and research functions are being carried out in universities has changed dramatically. The University through its Centre for Information, Communication and Educational Technology will therefore be charged with the planning, managing and maintaining of all ICT equipment and services to support the core mandate of the University.

The Centre shall be the back-bone and hub of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) – driven academic and research activities of the University. The centre shall aim at promoting computer literacy among students and staff of the University and members of the general public through the organization of client-targeted and customized computer courses, facilitate and promote the application of ICTs in teaching and research activities in the University, provide technical backup and support for the teaching and research activities of members of the University community, etc.

The Educational Technology unit of this Centre will have the responsibility of producing and maintaining teaching and learning materials/equipment including teaching aids for use by the teaching staff and for commercial purposes.

The Centre shall be headed by a Director appointed by the Vice Chancellor who shall be a professional in Computer Studies or Educational Technology.

  1. The ICT infrastructure is seen as one of the greatest enablers in modern society and has impacted and changed the world positively. The way teaching, administration and research functions are being carried out in universities has changed dramatically. The University through its Centre for Information, Communication and Educational Technology will therefore be charged with the planning, managing and maintaining of all ICT equipment and services to support the core mandate of the University.

    The Centre shall be the back-bone and hub of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) – driven academic and research activities of the University. The centre shall aim at promoting computer literacy among students and staff of the University and members of the general public through the organization of client-targeted and customized computer courses, facilitate and promote the application of ICTs in teaching and research activities in the University, provide technical backup and support for the teaching and research activities of members of the University community, etc.

    The Educational Technology unit of this Centre will have the responsibility of producing and maintaining teaching and learning materials/equipment including teaching aids for use by the teaching staff and for commercial purposes.

    The Centre shall be headed by a Director appointed by the Vice Chancellor who shall be a professional in Computer Studies or Educational Technology.

  1. The Directorate is expected to provide IT resources and services and is committed to delivering best quality of services to student, academic and administrative staff in the University. The Centre will be charged with the responsibilities of deploying ICT solutions and services for administration, teaching, research and learning to the University Community. Generally the services to be rendered will broadly fall under the following:

    • Infrastructure and shared services
    • Academic and Administrative computing Services
    • User Support Service

    Specifically, the Centre will be involved in the following activities:

    1. Design, provision and sustainability of internet access to the University Community.
    2. Design, provision and maintenance of University Area Network.
    3. Design, implement and monitor a functional Learning Management System for both staff and students of the University.
    4. Assist departments and units in providing secure, reliable, University- wide IT operations.
    5. Promote Innovative use of Information Technology that adds value to the academic environment.
    6. Provide Help Desk support services to the University community on ICT applications and facilities.
    7. Ensuring that the University community has a standard, robust and active Website through constant maintenance and updating of the site.
    8. Maintenance of a Central Database System for Students’ registration & Evaluation, Human Resources and Finance System of the University;
    9.  Provide technical services for hardware technology devices for staff and students of the University.
    10. Provide research support through data base building for the University for planning purposes.
    11. Provide statistical analysis support services for postgraduate and undergraduate research works in the University Community.
    12. Provide ICT capacity building for staff and students of the University through various training programmes.

    Augment the revenue generation for the University through the provision of ICT services within and outside the University Community