hails from Idunwele-Ewu in Esan central local government area of Edo State. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics and Extension; a Postgraduate Diploma in Education; a master’s degree in Adult Education; and a Doctorate degree in Adult Education from the prestige University of Lagos, Akoka. He is a dedicated academician who has about four publications and a good number of articles in National and international journals. His research interests are in the areas of young adults’ identity formation, Adult psychology, community development and social works education. As an erudite scholar, Dr. Kadiri is deeply committed to all aspects of Adult education works. He is a member of Nigerian National Council for Adult education (NNCAE).


1. Home and Environmental Indicators of Young Adults Identity styles formation-University of Ilorin journal
2. Predictors of Identity Formation among University Young Adults in University of Lagos-University of Lagos Journal
3. Trends and issues in Literacy and Non-Formal Educational Development-University of Lagos Journal

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